240 - In this special episode of The Fifth Dimension, I was joined in studio by Asa Eldredge.
Asa is a certified personal trainer who works to help people find themselves through physical fitness. He joins the podcast on the heels of his own personal time of transformation, as by the time of this show's release he will be living in the great state of Florida.
It is a blessing to share Asa's friendship and to have the honor of connecting with him in this podcasting space. I look up to him in many ways as a role model, somebody who carries themselves in such a way that I still strive to find within myself.
This was a profound discussion that uncovers the roots of who we are, which were only discovered in our darkest periods of adversity. Asa and I share many similarities when it comes to stepping into our authenticity.
"No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell." -Carl Jung
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