BONUS Episode: "Rise Up" with Veronica Safoa Owusu


Jan 4 2024 • 26 mins

Podcast Title: Hope, to My Younger Self

Hosts: Aba Cato Andah and Zoe Baraka

Guest: Veronica Safoa Owusu


The podcast is inspired by their best-selling book, "Letters of Hope to My Younger Self,".

Veronica Safoa Owusu emphasizes the importance of knowing oneself beyond labels and expectations, especially during challenging times like a relationship breakup or divorce. Veronica encourages listeners not to give up on love and emphasizes the transformative power of self-love.

The hosts discuss Veronica's book, "Rise Up Gold Dust Queen: The 50 Golden Nuggets of Wisdom to Reignite Your Spark and Rebuild Your Life After a Relationship Breakup or a Divorce." The book focuses on guiding individuals through their personal growth journey and rediscovering their true selves.

Learning Points:

  • Know Yourself Beyond Labels: The key takeaway is understanding who you are beyond societal labels and expectations. Veronica highlights the significance of self-discovery and authenticity.
  • Grieving Process and Resilience: Veronica mentions the grieving process that accompanies significant life changes. It's essential to acknowledge and navigate through difficult emotions while maintaining resilience and perseverance.
  • Safeguard Your Essence: Protecting one's energy and essence from manipulation and energy vampires is crucial. Veronica emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries to maintain emotional well-being.
  • Purposeful Love: Veronica encourages listeners not to give up on love but to approach it with purpose. Understanding and loving oneself is foundational to attracting genuine and purposeful love.
  • Supernova Analogy: Veronica uses the analogy of a supernova to describe the transformative process after going through fiery explosions in life. The idea is that one can release their "gold dust" and become a stronger, more purposeful version of themselves.
  • Consistency in Personal Growth: Personal growth is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and application of knowledge. It's not just about intellectual understanding but also integrating lessons into one's core belief system.
  • Releasing Gold Dust: The concept of releasing "gold dust" signifies embracing the transformative power of challenging experiences. Going through pressure and fire can lead to personal growth and the discovery of one's purpose.
  • Law of Proportional Standards: The idea that one can only attract what aligns with their standards. Increasing self-love and self-worth expands the capacity to love others authentically.
  • Supernova as a Symbol of Growth: The hosts encourage listeners to embrace their journey, likening it to a supernova. Going through difficulties is an essential part of personal growth, leading to the creation of something new and beautiful.
  • Questioning Identity: A key question posed by Veronica is, "Who are you?" Beyond the labels and expectations, understanding one's true identity is essential for personal success and fulfillment.

Veronica Safoa Owusu, also known as VPower Coach, Supernova Catalyst and Gold-Dust Queen - is an Educator, a transformative life coach and an online business growth strategist.

+44 07402441184 |

Letters of Hope To My Younger Self” is available for purchase!

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