Pursuing Purpose (with Lady Monica Aryitey)


Sep 2 2021 • 42 mins

Season 2 Episode 3: PURSUING PURPOSE

“We sing songs that say “this world is not my home; I’m just passing through”. But if that passing through is for seventy years, then you are here for more than “just passing through”. You are here for a reason.”

“Purpose answers the question of why we are here; the reason why God made you.”

"Calling is the specific thing that you are called to… Calling gives a specific definition to your purpose.”

“The fact that you’ve discovered your purpose or your calling doesn’t mean that it’s not going to be challenging. It will be challenging. Once you’ve found it [your purpose, calling], you’ve got to stay loyal to it; you’ve got to keep pushing.”
- Lady Monica Aryitey

Lady Monica Aryitey’s passion is to empower women, whatever their ages, backgrounds, or educational level, succeed in their calling, whether in ministry or the secular world. In this inspiring conversation, Lady Monica shares insightful faith-based nuggets on the subject of “Purpose”, “Calling” and “Assignment”:

  • You are not here by accident; you are here for a reason
  • Your Purpose is the overarching reason why you are here
  • Calling is the specific thing that you are called to… Calling gives a specific definition to your purpose
  • Within your calling you will have different assignments
  • Therefore, it is important to stay tuned in to God, so know when it’s time to move on to a different assignment
  • It is important to stay connected to God so that he can keep guiding and shepherding you throughout that process of discovering and living your purpose
  • As we walk in God’s calling, there are certain character traits that we ALL must exhibit in order to live a fruitful and productive life (example from Eph 4:1 AMP) – godly character, moral courage, personal integrity and mature behavior
  • God requires a certain standard of behavior, in order for you to be able to get to where he wants to take you
  • To stay in tune with God and on course with Him, we must live in obedienceIf we don’t walk in obedience, it can throw us off
  • Our purpose manifests as part of a process. God intricately weaves our experiences for His purposes in our lives. Lady Monica shares that her training as a lawyer helped her be a better preacher, teacher and advocate
  • Pursuing your purpose will have challenges along the way. Therefore, having conviction about your purpose, your calling, your assignment is very important. We must stay the course and in the fullness of time, the fruits WILL come.
  • It’s important that we surround ourselves with people who will speak faith into our lives, who will pray with us and who will encourage us
  • Even if you have stepped away from your purpose, go back to God and tell Him that you desire to get back on track and back to discovering what it is that He really wants you to do

Follow Lady Monica Aryitey on FFMIChapel.org, on Facebook “Monica Aryitey”, on Instagram @MAryitey

Buy my book “Reflections of a Hopemonger” on Amazon:

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License code: XXYQFLS38QOMOPZO)