Blossom at Any Age (with Nicoline Ambe)


Apr 21 2021 • 38 mins

Episode 12: Blossom at Any Age

“Many people, by their 50’s, have lost their passion and zest for life, partly due to their health decline, burnout from life's overwhelming difficulties and battle scars such as death, divorce, disease, and deception.”

“Getting older should not make us shrink; rather, it is an opportunity to play a Higher role and serve a Higher purpose. But you have to prepare your body for that purpose…”

“We are here for a reason… Ask [yourself], what did God save you to do with this time that you’ve been blessed with on earth? Get in the business of actually doing it.”

“Keep doing. Don't be idle. Keep using the brain that God gave you. Keep using your skills to add value to someone. And I think that the more you do that, the better you will develop the resilience to keep going.”
-       Dr. Nicoline Ambe

Following the traumatic loss of her husband, Dr. Nicoline Ambe found herself in what she describes as “sickness purgatory”; suffering from high blood pressure and heart disease. Faced with the startling realization that her body would “give way” if she didn’t make a change, Nicoline decided to embrace a new healthy way of living. Several years later, and now in her 50’s, Nicoline is reaping the benefits of great health and vitality. Her mission now is to inspire individuals to optimize their health so that they too, can blossom at any age. She believes that no matter what you may have been through in life, you can overcome difficulties, and you can step into a better version of yourself.

Hopemonger Dr. Nicoline Ambe’s mission is to bring hope; to restore health, wellness and passion in her clients. In this episode, Nicoline shares her “10 Keys to Blossom at Any Age” where she inspires us to adopt healthy habits – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually

Connect with Dr. Nicoline Ambe on her website at:

Get my book “Reflections of a Hopemonger” on Amazon:

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