Empowered To Do Great Things (with Thomas Brew)


Feb 24 2021 • 46 mins

Episode 6: Empowered To Do Great Things

“You must be your authentic self. And the balance in that message is... being your authentic self, but also understanding that, you have to constantly work on your weaknesses, constantly seek to improve yourself. So, for me, “authentic” doesn't always mean, just accepting the status quo... It means staying true to yourself, but also recognizing, challenging yourself and allowing the Word of God to shape you as a person.” – Rev. Thomas Brew

In today’s episode, we spotlight Rev. Thomas Brew, the lead pastor of the South Windsor, CT Mission of Royalhouse Chapel International. Rev. Thomas has a powerful gift of teaching and imparting the word of God and oversees a large congregation and online community. To see him in such a public role might be surprising, given that he is by nature a very private person. So how does he do it? Well, Rev. Thomas shares that God calls a person, not a personality. He points out that the idea that you have to become somebody else, just to accept God's calling upon your life, is a very restrictive way of thinking that probably has prevented a lot of people from doing what God has called them to do. And he stresses the importance of being authentic to who you are, while continuing to challenge yourself to learn and grow as you allow the Word of God to shape you as a person. During this enlightening conversation, Rev. Thomas also candidly talks about the “burden of responsibility” in leadership.

Get the book “Reflections of a Hopemonger” on Amazon: Reflections of A Hopemonger https://www.amazon.com/dp/9988902301/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_DVG5GCG3VKKC864RZYKE

Click below to download my FREE document “A Powerful Strategy to (Re)build Hope in Challenging Times”.