S1|E4 Meet Assoc. Prof. Mark Baker from the School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy at UON

B.O.P I Decided

Jan 27 2022 • 30 mins

Assoc. Prof. Mark Baker is a University of Newcastle Research Fellow in the Priority Research Centre in Reproductive Science.

For the last 20 years, Mark has been extensively researching infertility, reproduction, contraception, the beginning of life, the formation of embryos, how to work with infertile men rather than only have a primary focus on women when families are hoping to conceive and how to make it possible for couples to conceive more naturally than the process of IVF which saves millions of dollars and produces more natural outcome for couples wanting to start their family.

Mark is a passionate person about life. I have had the pleasure of knowing Mark for many years. We have surfed and fished together. He is very humble and unassuming in his walk through life but is passionate and brilliant in his field of expertise. It was an honour to be able to interview Mark.