Crafting Offers That Win Homes in Hot Markets with Joelle Dowe (SD56)

Stacking Deeds: Strategies, Market Trends, Tools, and Education For Real Estate Investors

Apr 30 2024 • 1 hr 2 mins

How do you write an offer that's thorough and point-by-point, but that also is succinct enough that people want to accept what you're hoping to achieve? On today's show, Joelle Dowe is a top real estate pro in the red-hot Austin Texas market. She joins us to share how she writes offers, finds easy areas to negotiate, and helps buys or sellers lock down a better deal.
In our headline segment, there are many ways you might be destroying the value of your property. How? One recent piece dives into several and we'll shine a light on it and discuss many of the ways you can ensure that you receive more for your property. But that's not all! We also take a call to Ruth's Rotary phone from a Deeder AND we also share some of Doug's real estate pop-quiz trivia.

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