Building Your Professional Toolkit and Adapting to Dynamic Industries

The Millennicast: Where Curious Minds Meet Inspiring Professionals

Feb 19 2021 • 58 mins

For this week’s episode of the Millennicast I will be speaking to Ameer Ibrahim. Ameer is a Masayoshi Son Fellow of the Schwarzman Scholars Program at Tsinghua University. His first postgraduate was undertaken at The University of Edinburgh, where he pursued an MSc in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. He completed his undergraduate studies at The University of Glasgow in Accountancy and Finance. Following graduation from Glasgow, he worked within the financial services sector at PwC.

During 2019, Ameer co-founded a non-profit organisation in Edinburgh focused on providing students and young professionals with opportunities to attain mentorship experience in corporate governance. His previous accolades include acting as a youth delegate to the United Nations, being selected as a University Fellow of the Clinton Global Initiative and serving as Student President at Glasgow University Students’ Representative Council.

During our talk you will be hearing about how his roles at university prepared him for his professional career and post-graduate job search, the must-have professional toolkit for young graduates and professionals to assist them in their personal and professional endeavours, and how his international background has influenced the person he is today. And lastly, we will discuss how he believes the shift in diplomatic relations between the U.S. and China make it ever more important to remain aware of the pace at which industry and business practices are evolving.

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