Your Sex Life Is An Illusion

Restore Yourself. Restore Your Marriage.

May 6 2024 • 34 mins

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Have you ever thought that your sex life is an illusion?  While dating life was fun and spontaneous, married life and the sexual aspect of it seems to be a lot different than what you thought it would be.

This is where our lovely expectations come face to face with reality.  Things have changed and shifted, and we may end up feeling like we were being played all along and that we are now just being used.  But sex in marriage doesn't have to feel this way.

Listen in on today's episode as we take a closer look at where we are "seeing" things incorrectly, which creates a false illusion, that we then respond to.  Learn three simple tips that help get couples out of the trap of this illusion and to help your vision of intimacy become a reality.