The 5 Whys: Journalling for Powerful Insights

Soul Growth Sessions

Feb 13 2023 • 11 mins

Have you ever felt stuck in a repeat pattern, or found yourself unable to move forward on something that you really want, despite your best efforts?

Sometimes, it can be difficult to figure out why you're not making progress or identify what exactly it is, that’s holding you back.

“The 5 Whys” is a useful tool for anyone looking to uncover the root cause of a problem and find workable solutions.

By simply asking yourself “Why?" At least five times, you can quickly delve into deeper reasons and root causes of whatever might be holding you back. By reflecting on your thoughts and behaviours, you can remove the blocks and self-limiting beliefs, and quickly get to the core of what needs to be acknowledged, healed and transformed


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Original Script ~ Written & Narrated by Jamie McCall 2023.