Pitfalls of quick fix gadgets

Uplevel Together with Jasna Burza

Nov 22 2023 • 22 mins

Special guest cohost today and I couldn’t be more excited. Chelsea Kazmierczak-Goethel is a a functional and holistic nutrition practitioner and owner of Khailaz Functional Wellness. Today we talk about our tendency to delegate power and rely on external solutions for health and wellness, rather than taking action and making changes themselves.

We highlight the importance of diligence and work in transforming lives and making an impact, rather than relying on quick fixes or gadgets.

Two main lessons we cover are:

1. Healing is not a quick fix, but rather a personal responsibility.

2. Biohacking gadgets can be helpful, but self-healing requires personal experience and work.

Chelsea can be found at https://www.khailazwellness.com. Find Jasna at www.jasnaburza.com