How to make your home an energetic oasis for the whole family

Uplevel Together with Jasna Burza

Feb 20 2024 • 12 mins

In this episode, I dive into the importance of creating an oasis in your home. Learn how to mold and influence the energy in your space through positive intentions and removing clutter.

Remember, the process is unique to you, so focus on what works best for yourself. Here's what I cover:

  1. The energy and information in our spaces can be molded and influenced by our thoughts and I share reproach from my book "Healer In Heels" to support this.
  2. Creating a positive and intentional environment at home can support our well-being.
  3. Adding plants, nature imagery, and sentimental objects can create a healing and calming atmosphere.

Buy Healer In Heels book here: or Available on Audible:

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