Author, Speaker, Brand Consultant, Suzanne Tulien

Business Digest Radio

May 10 2024 • 49 mins

Marketing vs. Branding

Ten's of millions of dollars are spent annually on premature marketing endeavors on the part of small to mid-size businesses that feel the sense of urgency to get to market quickly and start to gain traction with prospective customers.

Speak, author and brand consultant Suzanne Tulien encourages business owners to examine their brand more closely - inside and out - before embarking on expensive marketing campaigns that may miss the mark. Not because the creative wasn't good or that particular medium doesn't work. Although that too may be a factor due to a lack of insight or awareness about how your brand is being experienced or perceived by audiences.

Great branding takes in to account a great many things including customer experience, internal culture, training of employees on your brand's unique position, messaging and experience, and so much more. Listen in to gain a few pearls of wisdom from this talented business coach on how to ready your business for marketing success by first examining your brand from head to toe - inside and out.

For more information or to pick up one of Suzanne's books, go to: