#3 - Placebo Effect Your Money

Always and Never About Money

Aug 30 2023 • 27 mins

Welcome back! Whether you realize it or not, the placebo effect is at work in your life. So let's see how we can make it work FOR us. In today's episode, Chelsea explores the placebo effect and how altering habits can lead to desired financial outcomes. Williams encourages you to identify their money beliefs and expectations, reverse engineer their financial goals, and take action to change their money story for the better. The podcast also addresses the importance of mindfulness in money management and encourages you to be intentional with your spending and prioritize your values.

Episode highlights:
1. Introduce the placebo effect and how you can use it to change your money story
2. Explains the importance of mindfulness in managing money and how it reflects in our  personal values
3. Altering habits in favor of your desired outcome
4. Encourages you to reflect on your money story and face your financial situation head-on

Episode Links:
Socials: https://linktr.ee/the_money_whisper
Giveaway Form: https://app.lawmatics.com/forms/share/e30ba2df-99d2-4d12-bd86-e02f2cf776be
Mindvalley Podcast: https://podcast.mindvalley.com/how-marisa-peer-beat-cancer-twice-with-this-powerful-mental-technique/
Asana Rebel: https://asanarebel.com/en/
Profit First: https://www.amazon.com/Profit-First-Transform-Cash-Eating-Money-Making/dp/073521414X/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1692642314&sr=8-1

Always and Never About Money Episode Links:
Socials: https://linktr.ee/the_money_whisper
Money Mastery Website: https://moneymastery.mykajabi.com/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/AlwaysandNeverMoney/