100 Thinking Inside the Box w/Ryan Hogan

Got Your Six with Tony Nash

Mar 6 2023 • 24 mins

6ers, being a successful organization is more than just having a great idea. In this episode, Ryan shares his experience transitioning from civilian work to building a team in the Navy and eventually founding one of the most successful subscription-based companies in the entertainment industry in the true crime genre.

Ryan Hogan is a US Navy veteran, a US Navy reservist, and the co-founder/CEO of Hunt A Killer, an immersive murder mystery game that challenges players to catch a killer through interactive monthly membership boxes and premium one-time experiences.

For Ryan, the name of the game is delegation. He believes in empowering his team by giving them autonomy, which leads to better decision-making, improved productivity, and focusing on improving the experience for the end user as everyone understands how they feel.

You will learn the value of getting direct feedback from those inside and outside your team as a way to build trust. You will also learn how to delegate in a way that empowers your team and builds a strong culture where people leave their egos at the door so they can build a product or service that fits the company's values.


  • 01:08 - The name of the game is TEAM
  • 03:53 - Transitioning from 10 year-civilian work to building a team in the Navy
  • 05:31 - How they started with Run For Your Lives
  • 07:50 - Ego checks in task delegation
  • 09:37 - Investing back into the Run For Your Lives Community
  • 10:53 - Building trust around what customers think
  • 12:12 - The creative evolution of the Hunt A Killer
  • 13:51 - Taking the feedback loop and applying it to his role in the Navy
  • 14:54 - Learning more about assertiveness and being more direct with feedback
  • 16:05 - Trust is earned in drops and lost in buckets
  • 17:15 - How are you living the values of the organization in the products that you create?
  • 20:25 - The team gets the wins, and as a leader, you get the losses


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