A Silent Struggle: Inside the Veteran Experience of Military Sexual Trauma with Dr. Liz Rudisell

Welcome Home - A Podcast for Veterans, About Veterans, By Veterans

Apr 29 2024 • 26 mins

Dr. Liz Rudisell from the Lexington, Kentucky VA, brings light to a shadowed corner of the veteran experience, military sexual trauma (MST), during Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. As we sit with this dedicated Military Sexual Trauma Care Coordinator, we unravel the complex web of MST's effects on our veterans. This episode is a heartfelt journey through the often silent struggles of those who've served, revealing the VA's evolving efforts to support and acknowledge a group that has long grappled with invisible wounds.

Throughout our conversation, Dr. Rudisell offers an insider's perspective on the intricacies of VA services for veterans, discussing everything from eligibility criteria to the array of therapeutic modalities at their disposal. She weaves personal anecdotes with professional insights, painting a vivid picture of the challenges and potent healing that await within the VA's system. For veterans and their loved ones, this episode is a beacon of understanding and a guide to the resources that can start you on the road to recovery.

To learn how to access help for Military Sexual Trauma from the VA, use this link.