42 - Fermentation Variation - Traditional Mead with Simon Claybourn

By The Mash Tun

Feb 9 2020 • 35 mins

If you have a hankering for something big, sweet and strong but subtle enough to give delicate floral flavours, then you might have the need for mead. In the second of our "Fermentation Variation" specials, Mike visits mead brewer Simon Claybourn who has not only brewed lots of mead in his time but also knows a lot about bees!

We brew a mead, as well as trying one of Simon's older batches. We then also try:

Highland Wineries - Moniack Mead http://www.highlandwineries.co.uk/

Lime Bay Winery - Traditional Mead https://www.lymebaywinery.co.uk/

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