Embracing Change and Harnessing July's Energy: A Deep Dive into Feng Shui and Astrology

QiPro Sam: Feng Shui Master & Astrologer

Jul 2 2023 • 20 mins

Embark with us on a journey through July's energy as we harness the power of the Yin aspect to embrace change within ourselves. We delve into the symbolism of the Goat, understood as a storage animal and a treasure chest of sorts. With this knowledge, we encourage you to honour your truth, and take action towards realizing the dreams you've been nurturing throughout the year.

We also explore how Feng Shui and Astrology can positively influence our everyday lives. We discuss how the geographical orientation of our spaces can aid in our activities- launching new ideas in the South, sealing financial deals in the North, and being mindful of potential conflicts in the Southeast and Northwest. We finish off by discussing the importance of preparing for a system update in our lives. This OS update involves organizing, forming collaborations, and most importantly, shifting perspectives to make room for the new and unexpected. Join us as we navigate this month's energy and learn how to use it to our advantage!

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