Addicted to Meth: My full story | Episode 079

Lead A New Future with Kate Ruby Aroha

Jun 26 2023 • 40 mins

I recorded this as a one off conversation, with the intention that it's useful.
As well as sharing the details of what happened, I also talk about....

  • Moments of insight - how important these moments are and what to know about them.
  • What I mean by 'one spoon at a time'
  • What someone needs from us if they open up about a tough time they're having
  • What we need from ourselves when were going through a tough or darker season
  • Being compassionate to ourselves
  • Learning to forgive myself

Im thinking this could be useful to listen to if you're experiencing a darker moment in your life (whatever the context), or if someone you love is going through a darker time. If you know someone who would find this useful to listen to, please share it with them.

I use my platforms to talk about stuff that matters through a lens of leadership. The leadership I stand for is one that values a culture of fairness and transparency, while giving us access to our ability to effect change personally or professionally, big or small. Expect a variety of conversations here.


THE ONE is a 2 day experience that develops leadership.
Details (including locations & dates) over at

MENTORING & COACHING: I work privately with leaders who’re making a difference in the world. For info (including client testimonials), refer to the pinned post on my Instagram