Episode 7: Myles Hunter, CEO & Co-Founder at TutorMe

The Boardroom Brain with Dr. Lauren Cook

Apr 10 2022 • 0 seconds

In this episode, we’re sitting down Myles Hunter, the CEO and Co-Founder of TutorMe. I initially came across Myles’ work when I was reading about notable alumni from USC (one of my alma maters!). The fact that Myles took initiative for a problem that not only he experienced personally, but witnessed for millions of children, is inspiring. Myles is making a difference in so many students’ lives and he serves as a reminder that we can all take action for the problems that we see in the world. I hope our conversation will inspire you to take a small step to resolve a community issue that you’re witnessing, whether it’s a social injustice, global warming, or what’s happening overseas as we see the tragedies occurring in Ukraine. Myles’ story is such a testament that we can all take action to help one another.