9 | Social Impact Entrepreneur | Dr. Lydiah Kemunto Bosire


Mar 4 2021 • 1 hr 2 mins

Dr. Lydiah Bosire is a Kenyan national and the Founder and CEO of 8B Education Investments, a financial and education technology platform specialized in lending to African students to attend world-class global universities and supporting them to succeed. Lydiah is on a mission to strengthen Africa’s human capital by equipping the continent’s future leaders and ecosystem builders to innovate, compete, and thrive in the knowledge economy of the 21st century. Prior to founding 8B, Lydiah worked at the United Nations, the World Bank, and leading global NGOs. Lydiah joins us from New York to tell us about her journey through the world of international relations, how she identified a systemic problem or need and has subsequently made a social impact by solving it.