Leadership Growth series Ep 2 emotional habits as a leader do they get in the way

Louise Lally Podcast

Jul 24 2022 • 27 mins

In this second episode of the Leadership Growth series I spoke to Dr Susie Mitchell an internationally renowned Coach. We spoke about:

  1. How leaders support the team as a collective when coaching them on learned behaviours and emotional habits to be unlearned.
  2. What is the key ingredient to putting this into practice as a coach.
  3. What role does having a purpose play in a persons overall fulfillment in life.
  4. What is the biggest blocker for people not finding their purpose or why in life and what was Dr Susies biggest obstacle and how did she overcome this.

As a leader you need to first understand yourself and have awareness of your emotional habits in the workplace in order to better lead your team and support them the best way you can. If you liked this share it to those you feel might benefit