Sridhar Sunkara: Understanding & Embracing AI to Evolve in Business

Tech Me Seriously!

May 8 2023 • 50 mins

The Emergence and Take Off of AI in Business and How it Relates to Digital Transformation Journey

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the business landscape, revolutionizing the way organizations operate, and making their operations more efficient, effective, and profitable. AI-driven applications and solutions are becoming increasingly commonplace, and their ability to process vast amounts of data and deliver insights in real time is helping businesses make better-informed decisions. This, in turn, is accelerating the digital transformation journey of organizations across various industries. The emergence and take-off of AI in business have opened up a new world of possibilities, with companies now leveraging AI to automate routine tasks, streamline complex processes, and optimize their operations.

In this episode, Sarah is joined by Sridhar Sunkara, the CEO and Digital Transformation Leader of eBiz Solutions, to talk about how AI relates to digital transformation and the benefits it has in businesses. Sridhar shares how companies can take advantage of ChatGPT, the most surprising things with companies on digital transformation, and the role of leaders and workforces in digital transformation. He also talks about what companies should be preparing for in AI, how AI is affecting employment, and what will happen when companies don’t think about AI now. Tune in to learn more about this and other exciting topics!


[00:34] Sridhar Sunkara’s background information

[01:43] Why we are talking about the emergence and take of AI in business now

[02:52] How companies can take advantage of ChatGPT

[05:07] The role of AI in collective intelligence

[10:31] What led Sunkara to become the CEO of a technology and solutions company that is helping other companies

[12:48] The most surprising thing that Sridhar has learned working with companies in digital transformation projects

[17:00] The role of leaders in digital transformation

[18:23] What companies should be preparing for in AI

[23:00] Setting the foundation of digital transformation

[26:39] The responsibility of the old workforces in digital transformation

[29:28] The responsibility of learning new tools

[31:34] How AI is affecting employment

[36:15] The acceptable use policy of AI in business

[38:02] The generative training we are doing for the AI

[40:20] How companies have taken advantage of AI

[47:19] The human element involved in AI

[47:53] What will happen when companies don’t think about AI now

[49:55] How companies can start their digital transformation journey

Notable quotes:

●      “Once you harness the power of AI, you can harness the power in your business operations, customer experiences, talent management, and also drive innovation which are the four forces of the growth of a company.”

●      “Motivation is the one that changes the behavior and behavior becomes a habit. So, leaders should keep their teams motivated.”

●      “Using data for intelligence is still below 2 on your digital maturity matrix.”

Connect with us:
Sridhar Sunkara

Sarah Tenisi