Catching Foxes with Yoel and Melanie

Catching Foxes

Jan 8 2024 • 1 hr 10 mins

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The first time I met Melanie, we were throwing marshmallows in each other’s mouths at a Christmas party. There’s really no better way to get introduced. I mean, what’s a better way to gauge compatibility in a friendship than athletic marshmallow eating? In all seriousness, Melanie is one of the most gentle people I have ever met. She is so warm, comforting and encouraging. Yoel and Melanie joined our marriage group for a season in 2022, and their willingness to share their experiences propelled our group into such an intimate and supportive season. One thing I love about their marriage is their generosity in complimenting each other, and their deference to each other out of consideration. Join us on Catching Foxes today with Yoel and Melanie as we discuss their marriage story and the foxes God has tasked them with removing from their lives.

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