'The Stolen Child' - by William Butler Yeats (S1E5)

My Poetry Readings with Declan Walsh

Jan 30 2021 • 11 mins

About the Poem

William Butler Yeats  wrote ‘The Stolen Child’  in 1886 and is considered to be one of his more notable and popular early poems.

Based on Irish Legend, 'The Stolen Child' concerns captivating faeries beguiling and charming a young boy to leave the tough modern day ‘weeping world’ and run away to live a more enchanting and mystical life with them.

The main theme of 'The Stolen Child' would suggest the struggle to maintain the innocence of childhood against the realism of having to experience the reality of life – certainly, a theme that transcend the passing of time!

About the Poet

William Butler Yeats, more commonly known as, W.B. Yeats, was born in Dublin, in 1865 and is wildly regarded as one of the influential poets on both the national and international stage.
A pillar of the Irish literary establishment, he was one of co-founders of the Abbey Theatre and  became a Senator in the Irish Free State in 1922 .

He died, aged 73, on January 28 1939 in France and was later buried in Drumcliffe Churchyard, Co Sligo

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Thanks for listening  - Till next time..

Slán go fóill


Favorite Musical Versions  (YouTube Links)

The Waterboys - The Stolen Child

Loreena McKennitt - The Stolen Child



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