'On Raglan Road' - by Patrick Kavanagh (Last in Series - S1E13)

My Poetry Readings with Declan Walsh

Mar 28 2021 • 20 mins

About the Poem

'On Raglan Road' was written by a 40 year old Patrick Kavanagh for a young 22 year old medical student, Hilda Moriarty. It was first published in the Irish Press newspaper in 1946 under the title ‘Dark Haired Miriam Ran Away’.

The song we all know as Raglan Road combines the lyrics of Kavanagh poem to the air of the song ‘The Dawning of the Day’.

Kavanagh approached , Luke Kelly, from the Dubliners,  in the Baily Bar in Dublin in 1966 and asked him would he sing something he had written back in the 1940’s

The rest, as they say , is history


About the Poet

Patrick Kavanagh was born in Inniskeen, County Monaghan, in 1904 and is generally regarded as one of Ireland most eminent and favorite poets.

His first collection of poems was published while he was still working on the farm, and first appeared in 1928 in the Dundalk Democrat and Irish Independent.

He died , aged only 63, on 30 November 1967 and is buried in his birthplace  - Inniskeen, in Monaghan


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Thanks for listening  - Till next time..

Slán go fóill


Other links

On Raglan Road - Luke Kelly (Song and meeting Kavanagh)
On Raglan Road - Tommy Macken (Poem)

On Raglan Road - Dermot Kennedy
On Raglan Road - Glen Hansard Declan O'Rourke
On Raglan Road - Mark Knopfler
On Raglan Road - Van Morrison & The Chieftains

The Patrick Kavanagh Centre

Patrick Kavanagh - The Pincer Jaws of Heaven (Short Film)

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