'Lament for Thomas McDonagh' - by Francis Ledwidge (S1E8)

My Poetry Readings with Declan Walsh

Feb 20 2021 • 9 mins

About the Poem

Lament of Thomas McDonagh is a poem written by Francis Ledwidge for his close friend, Thomas McDonagh, who was executed for his role in the Easter Rising in 1916 in Ireland.

The Easter Rising was often called a poet’s rebellion because so many of the organizers were writers, such as Thomas McDonagh & Padraic Pearse.  Similarly, Francis Ledwidge’ s poem blends natural imagery with political sentiments.

Lament for Thomas McDonagh explores the theme of rebirth throughout, bringing in images of springtime, the Christian resurrection, and political renewal.


About the Poet

Francis Edward Ledwidge was an Irish war poet and solider.

He was born in Slane, Co Meath in 1887  and one of a family of 9. He one of the co-founders of the Slane branch of the Meath Labour Union and a found member of Slane Branch of the Irish Volunteers.

He remained a member of the Irish volunteers but with the outbreak of WW1 in 1914, Ledwidge nonetheless, enlisted in the British Army joining Lord Dunsany’s regiment – the 5th Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers-

Sometimes known as the Poet of the Blackbirds,  he died in July 1917 – just aged 29, during the Third Battle of Ypres in Belgium during WW1


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Thanks for listening  - Till next time..

Slán go fóill


Other links

Grace - Jim McCann
Grace - The Coronas
Grace - Rod Stewart

The Francis Ledwidge Museum

RTE Nationwide Documentary

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