'The Cure at Troy' - by Seamus Heaney (S1E7)

My Poetry Readings with Declan Walsh

Feb 13 2021 • 9 mins

About the Poem

The Cure at Troy  was  written in 1990 for the Field Day Theatre Company,  and  is an adapted version of the ancient tragic Greek play, Philoctetes, written by Sophocles – which takes place in the closing days of the Trojan War.

The resonance of this ancient tale with that of the Troubles in Northern Ireland and perhaps the struggle of the Apartheid movement in South Africa, was a major attraction to Seamus Heaney,

The poem, at its heart, addresses questions of personal morality, deceit and political expediency, suffering and healing.

About the Poet

Seamus Justin Heaney was an Irish poet, playwright and Nobel Laureate.

He was and is still recognised as one of the principal contributors to poetry in Ireland during his lifetime and often described as  "the most important Irish poet since Yeats"

HE won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1995 – with what the Nobel committee described as "works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past’’.

His epitaph is taken from one of his poems ‘The Gravel Walks’ and reads
"Walk on air against your better judgement”.


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Thanks for listening  - Till next time..

Slán go fóill


Favorite Reading Versions  (YouTube Links)

Seamus Heaney - The Cure at Troy  (V1)
Seamus Heaney - The Cure at Troy (V2)

President Joe Biden - The Cure at Troy
President Joe Biden/Lin Manuel Miranda

President Bill Clinton - Derry 1995

Other links

Seamus Heaney - Website

Seamus Heaney HomePlace Website


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