Dream Big - Start Climbing: The Secret to Achieving Your Goals: EP 32

The Inner Entrepreneur

Apr 26 2024 • 8 mins

Host: Paul Ryan

Episode Summary: Paul uses the metaphor of climbing a difficult hill to illustrate the difference between a dreamer and an achiever.

Key Points:

  • Dream Big: Having a clear vision and strong desire is essential for achievement.
  • Focus on the Journey: Once you know your destination, shift your focus to the steps required to get there.
  • Break it Down: Don't get overwhelmed by the big goal. Focus on completing the task immediately in front of you.
  • Action is Key: Visualization is powerful, but it's not enough. You need to take action to achieve your dreams.

Action Steps:

  • Identify your big dream.
  • Visualize your success.
  • Break down your dream into smaller, achievable goals.
  • Focus on completing the task at hand.
  • Take consistent action towards your goals.

Call to Action:

  • Like, subscribe, comment, and share the episode with friends.

Transcript Highlights:

  • Achievers focus on the journey, not just the destination.
  • Focus creates energy. Where your focus goes, your energy flows.
  • Break down large goals into small, manageable steps.
  • Consistent action is key to achieving your dreams.

About the host:

Paul Ryan is an CEO, entrepreneur, business owner and an eternal student of life. Paul has a depth of 'real life' experience of what it takes to be successful in business and life.

Paul avidly consumes books, courses and podcasts, embodying the spirit of a lifelong learner. His thirst for knowledge and adept leadership has enabled Paul to create a life of time and financial freedom.

Connect with the host:

Paul's LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/paul-ryan-9a98774/

Paul's X: https://twitter.com/paulryanwrites