Live Your Truth: It's Time To Be You EP 37

The Inner Entrepreneur

May 4 2024 • 14 mins

Episode Summary

This episode of the Inner Entrepreneur Podcast explores the importance of self-knowledge and living authentically. Host Paul Ryan shares his personal journey of self-discovery, which began with a transformative meditation experience in his teenage years.

Paul highlights his life-changing experience with a fire walk and meditation, leading to a clear vision of two potential life paths and the choice to live authentically.

He offers practical advice on starting the journey of self-discovery through journaling and self-reflection, providing listeners with eight guiding questions to explore their feelings, core values, and ideal life vision. Paul encourages embracing the challenges of change and the importance of listening to one's inner voice for personal growth.

Key Takeaways

  • Knowing yourself is the foundation for a fulfilling life.
  • Living a life that aligns with your values brings true happiness.
  • Self-discovery is a lifelong journey that requires consistent effort.

Actionable Steps

  • Practice daily journaling: Reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
  • Ask yourself powerful questions: Consider the eight questions provided in the episode as a starting point.
  • Embrace the journey: Self-discovery takes time and patience.

Memorable Quotes

  • "If you don't truly know yourself, if you're not living a life that fully reflects who you are, then whose life is it you're actually living?"
  • "The greatest moment of impact was when I really began to know and accept myself."
  • "It's not about who others think you should be...but the moment when you admit to yourself that you were not fully aligned with who you were."
  • "Being authentic is the most natural thing in the world...But it doesn't feel natural because from the moment you were born, you were learning from others."
  • "Your goal now is to turn inwards and allow your true self to emerge."

Additional Notes

  • The episode also acknowledges the challenges of living authentically, including potential resistance from others.
  • It emphasizes the importance of self-care as part of the self-discovery process.

00:00 Welcome to the Inner Entrepreneur Podcast

00:03 The Journey of Self-Discovery Begins

00:39 A Life-Changing Meditation Experience

01:07 40 Years of Inner and Outer Exploration

02:56 The Turning Point: Choosing Authenticity

05:37 The Challenges of Living Authentically

07:18 Embracing the Journey of Self-Reflection

08:17 Starting Your Own Journey: Practical Tips

09:30 Journaling: A Gateway to Self-Knowledge

10:45 Eight Questions to Kick start Your Self-Discovery

13:26 The Lifelong Journey of Getting to Know Yourself

13:50 Closing Thoughts and Gratitude

About the host:

Paul Ryan is an entrepreneur. business owner and an eternal student of life. As CEO of a thriving distribution company specializing in IT infrastructure systems, Paul has a depth of 'real life' experience of what it takes to be successful in business and life.

Paul avidly consumes books, courses and podcasts, embodying the spirit of a lifelong learner. His thirst for knowledge and adept leadership has enabled Paul to create a life of time and financial freedom.

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