Let’s talk collaborations with Dr Davia Shepherd

Writing Black Joy

Jun 21 2023 • 56 mins

Today I am joined by Dr Davia Shepherd - a fellow writer from the Caribbean, who also shares my love for collaboration. Here is a bit about Dr Shepherd.

Dr. Davia H. Shepherd is the author of Grow Smarter. And she is also a Mom, a sister, a daughter and a wife. And, she hosts and coordinates a women’s collaboration club: Ladies Power Lunch.

She helps her patients feel better every day, but the one thing that she is most passionate about, and that gets her out of bed in the morning is supporting women in business to live their optimal lives through growing their visibility, reach, impact and income. She is a beacon for beacons.

At her intuitive core, Davia has always known, even as a child, that when we all pull together, we can achieve unbelievably amazing results; whether we are talking about health, relationships, finances or even our careers. Her focus especially in this time is to connect us with each other and with our true inner amazing selves, so that we may live the lives we have the potential for.

Her best selling book “Grow Smarter…collaboration secrets to transform your income and impact” is focused on providing us with a framework for using the power of collaboration with fellow entrepreneurs to grow our businesses even during unusual times.

She invites you to connect with her through LPL’s monthly workshops and Facebook Community, LPL Summits, LPL Retreats or working with her one on one to make quantum leaps in your impact and income.

Davia and I talk about:

  • The importance of connection
  • The magic of collaboration
  • How she created her community Ladies power lunch
  • How you can leverage being a part of an anthology
  • The importance of support when it comes to writing and sharing your work
  • Finding a way to share your story

And so much more!

Find out more about Davia's work at:


And you can order her book on Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk or search for it in the closest amazon marketplace to you!

And you can find out more about me at https://www.safiyarobinson.com/