From runner to writer with Martinus Evans

Writing Black Joy

Jun 14 2023 • 53 mins

Today I am joined by Martinus Evans. Martinus is a brilliant storyteller - and it may or may not be because he has the best stories. Either way - you're gonna love this conversation and you're gonna love his book!

Martinus Evans has run over eight marathons since his doctor told him to “lose weight or die” in July 2012. Since then, he’s also coached hundreds of runners and founded the Slow AF Run Club, a community of over 10,000 members worldwide. He is also the author of the book Slow AF Run Club: The ultimate guide for anybody who wants to run.  When he’s not running races around the world, he enjoys speaking passionately about issues related to size-inclusivity, mindset, DEI and mental health.

This conversation was so much fun! Just a note that there is a tiny amount of swearing here, so if you have kids around, slap in some headphones.

Martinus and I talked about:

  • The inspiration (and future dream plans) for the slow AF run club
  • How Martinus thinks about representation in his work and what he creates
  • The places running has taken him and what he loves about it
  • Posing nude in men's health magazine
  • How he made writing his first book manageable for him by crunching the numbers
  • The ups and downs of publishing his book
  • What he is creating next for the slow AF run club
  • Letting our creations take on a life of their own
  • How our relationship with what we create changes when we turn the thing we love into work

I hope that you enjoy this conversation as much as I did!

Grab his book below!

And you can find out more about me at