Anxious Tradeswoman Ep 50 - Networking

Anxious Tradeswoman

Jun 10 2024 • 18 mins

Networking can be scary, but it can also be life-changing, both professionally and personally; I have met some of my favorite people networking who have had my back over the years!

If you would like help or support with this process, you can join my free Facebook community, tradeswomen owning their power or if you would like 1:1 support or you are a business wanting to make the workplace better for tradeswomen and minorities, you can inquire through my website,

This episode is proudly sponsored by MEGT. MEGT is a national Apprenticeship Network Provider, and it hosts women at trade events all over the country. I am proud to be the MEGT women in trade ambassador for 2024. For more information about MEGT go to their website

The next MEGT event is the Rockingham Jobs Fair - City of Rockingham WA, Australia on the 12th of June, Link to sign up here

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