Introducing Straight to Business

Straight to Business - Social Selling for B2B

Mar 26 2022 • 6 mins

In our introductory episode, Straight to Business host Lisa Davidson gives an overview of our podcast and what you can expect. In short: Straight to Business helps B2B marketers master the world of social selling. Lisa Davidson is joined by social selling expert Monika Ruzicka and varying guest speakers from marketing and sales, to discuss the strategic and operational elements of bringing social selling to your organization and making it successful.

About our sponsor ReadyForSocial:

ReadyForSocial is a leading social selling company and sponsor of this podcast. Since 2014, ReadyForSocial has supported large companies in the DACH region, Europe, and the USA by introducing, managing, and expanding their social selling programs.

Learn more about their solution and services here.

Lisa and Monika both work for ReadyForSocial. Feel free to contact them about this podcast or about ReadyForSocial's services: Lisa Davidson and Monika Ruzicka.