Channeling Superpowers with Cycle Syncing with Sophia Panella

Becoming Iconic

Apr 29 2024 • 39 mins

In this episode, Jen welcomes Sophia Panella, who guides listeners through the empowering practice of channeling their superpowers through cycle syncing. She emphasizes the importance of honoring our bodies and wellness as women, particularly by respecting our natural cycles. Sophia shares her personal health and fitness journey, including her decision to quit hormonal birth control, advocating for a deeper understanding of our bodies' needs. Sophia offers valuable insights and practical tips, from navigating the highs and lows of the menstrual cycle to challenging societal norms around discussing menstruation. Listeners gain a newfound appreciation for honoring their energy levels and integrating cycle awareness into their daily lives for optimal well-being.

Today on Becoming Iconic:

  • Honoring women's cycles
  • Sophia's health and fitness journey
  • Quitting hormonal birth control
  • Navigating menstrual cycle fluctuations
  • Challenging societal norms about menstruation discussions
  • Discussion on PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder)
  • Tips for adjusting workouts based on the menstrual cycle
  • Energy level awareness and management

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