#14 - Telemedicine's Role in Modernizing Pet Treatment Practices

Veterinary Blueprints

Apr 16 2024 • 43 mins

Embark on an inspiring journey with Dr. Samantha Vitale, veterinary neurologist and CEO of Stratocyte, as we explore the innovative world of veterinary teleconsulting. Samantha shares her voyage from hands-on clinic work to revolutionizing vet care delivery, offering an intimate glimpse into her passion for extending specialty care to pets far and wide. With Stratocyte leading the charge, we discuss the transformative effects this digital leap has on pets and practitioners in remote areas, ensuring that no companion animal goes without the expert care they deserve.

The conversation shifts to the nuts and bolts of integrating teleconsulting into day-to-day veterinary operations. Managing challenging conditions such as epilepsy or diabetes in pets can overwhelm general practitioners, but with the advent of teleconsulting, they now have a lifeline. We provide actionable insights for clinics seeking to blend this modern approach into their routines, all the while highlighting the strengthened connections with pet owners and the enhanced quality of life for their furry companions.

Finally, we turn to the bustling marketplace that Stratocyte has created, a virtual hub where general practitioners can easily tap into a wealth of specialist knowledge. This innovative platform is likened to an Etsy for veterinary specialists, where thriving communities of vets work collaboratively to bolster patient outcomes and clinic revenues. Samantha's personal experiences bring home the profound impact teleconsulting has on both the human and animal members of the family, truly capturing the heart of why we do what we do. Join us to see how the future of veterinary care is being shaped right before our eyes.

Guest Info
Samantha Vitale
US only - (224) 526-7286
Outside US - (844) 947-4401 (Toll free)

Host Information

Bill Buter – Contact Information

Direct – 952-208-7220




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