#10 - Strategies for Thriving Through Veterinary Practice Acquisitions

Veterinary Blueprints

Feb 20 2024 • 43 mins

Discover the secrets to a prosperous future in veterinary practice with Travis York of Three and One Veterinary Advisors, our latest guest on the Veterinary Blueprint podcast. Travis, a seasoned expert in veterinary practice transitions, shares his knowledge on acquisitions, expansions, and the essential strategies for a successful exit. With over 500 practices under his guidance, his advice is indispensable for veterinarians and practice managers aiming to navigate the complexities of significant wealth changes.

This episode is a treasure trove of insights as we unpack the role of EBITDA in evaluating practice profitability and distinguish between economic and actual ownership, shedding light on the nuances of veterinary practice ownership. Whether you're pondering the longevity of your career or contemplating selling your practice soon, the wisdom shared here holds value for all stages of your professional journey. We dive into the spectrum of ownership and the importance of aligning expectations with ownership goals, and explore alternative compensation methods that could be the key to retaining crucial talent without relinquishing equity.

Prepare to be armed with strategic tools for retirement planning and understanding the array of exit options available to you. Hear a compelling story about a veterinarian's seamless transition to retirement and learn why early communication with associates can make or break the future value of your practice. Our conversation also takes a critical look at the evolving landscape of veterinary services and the underlying importance of maintaining client trust in a fiercely competitive market. This episode is not only about finding the right exit but also about mentoring your team and managing your business with foresight and precision for that eventual, rewarding transition.

Travis York

Host Information

Bill Buter – Contact Information

Direct – 952-208-7220




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