Jae & Mike: Get Started and Educate Yourself

The REI Friends Podcast

Aug 25 2022 • 46 mins

Hi Everyone! Mike and Jae, are a young couple based out of Philadelphia passionate about real estate and helping others.

they graduated college and got full-time jobs in the corporate world, but quickly realized after a few short years that they did not want to do this forever.

At the end of 2020 they jumped into real estate investing head first not knowing fully what they were doing! they quickly fell in love with real estate and wanted more. Which is when they decided to hire coaches to grow this into something much bigger than a side hustle. This is when we created Roman For Homes and your lives changed completely. In just one year, they have successfully built a team, closed multiple types of transactions, and added 4 additional units (without banks!) to your portfolio all while having full-time jobs. The icing on the case is that they were BOTH able to leave your W-2 jobs and submerge completely into your business also in just one year. Currently, they average about 2-4 deals a month!

Their social networks:




So, you can't miss it, this episode will allow you to better understand the real estate world.

As usual, if you or someone you know would make a great guest for the show make sure to apply by filling out this short form: https://bit.ly/rei-friends-podcast-app

Make sure we connect via Instagram @catherinestoring so you don't miss any of the stories we are sharing about real estate and Cat's REI journey.

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