#17 Significant Code Review (SCR) Curtailment Limits - what every good Development and Investment Director should know

The Connectology® Podcast by Roadnight Taylor

Jun 22 2023 • 35 mins

Under the new connection charging and access rules that came into force on 01 April 2023 (SCR), when DNOs provide a curtailable connection they will be required to compensate connected customers for any curtailment above a prescribed level. Curtailed connections may be enduring but may only be interim whilst the DNO carries out reinforcements at their own cost. Either way they will become common-place, and all good Development Directors and Investment Directors should understand the weaknesses of the Curtailment Limit calculation formula, and how the limit differs from DNOs' curtailment reports.

In this Connectology podcast, Pete Aston - who was responsible for the rollout of ANM across National Grid Electricity Distribution's networks - guides you through this new landscape.

Recorded: 13 June 2023


DCUSA - Access SCR: Changes to Terms of Connection for Curtailable Customers

Request a recording of our webinar on Understanding DNO curtailment reports

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