A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Dentist Office Music

The 10 Minute Healthcare Marketing Podcast

Dec 13 2023 • 7 mins

A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Dentist Office Music

A successful dental practice requires attention to detail, including the music played in the office. Music can have a calming effect on patients and mask unpleasant noises during treatment. Choosing the right music involves understanding your patient demographic and selecting genres such as classical, jazz, acoustic, instrumental covers of popular songs, or nature sounds and white noise. Volume control is essential, and legal considerations should be considered when playing copyrighted music. Streaming services like Spotify or Pandora can provide a curated playlist for your practice. Prioritizing the patient experience through a welcoming environment can help attract and retain patients.

This episode discusses how to choose the right music for a dental office. It suggests partnering with a PRO like CloudCover, taking patient feedback and customization into consideration, providing individual headsets, and using seasonal and thematic music cautiously. The podcast emphasizes the importance of prioritizing patients' comfort and creating a pleasant atmosphere in the office.