Global Intelligence Updates with Byron Nifakis on Using Projects To Drive Change In Your Business

Worldwide Business Intelligence Podcast

Oct 17 2023 • 55 mins

Don't miss this impactful session!

Takeaway points:
  1. Learn the basic concepts of project management and how it’s different from business as usual
  2. Recognise the 6 main project constraints that influence your planning and decision making
  3. Identify which method and approach is best suited for your project

    • Byron Nifakis - A project manager and solution architect who hit a fork in the road of life and chose to help others by sharing the knowledge to run a project successfully. From young, Byron knew that he would be an educator one day. Instead of teaching children, he has been training adults in business management skills, peppered with life skills for over 2 decades now. It took a failed marriage, financial ruin and an unlawful decision by a judge to push him into a series of soul awakening experiences and a deep exploration of consciousness, to make him the loving and caring man he is today, committed to help humanity step forward into its magnificence.