The Corporate Bartender - Lead & Let Live with Barbie Brewer

The Corporate Bartender

Jul 24 2023 • 59 mins

Holy. Cow. Today's episode is one of my favorites of 2023 so far! We're talking remote work, corporate culture, GitHub, Netflix, and breaking down boundaries. We've  got Barbie Brewer on the program today, and the conversation is epic!

If you don't know Barbie, we've got you, boo!

Barbie is a the author of the best-selling book "Lead and Let Live" and she's been a fixture in the Silicon Valley scene since the Dot Com era. She's been Chief Culture Officer at GitLab, VP of Talent at Netflix and she's got a lot to say about remote work and how to leverage it.

This conversation was fantastic, and I think you're all gonna dig it!

If you want to skip straight to the interview, 3:35 is your spot!

TCB Layout:
0:00 - Show Open & Intro
0:54 - Titles
1:20 - Kickoff
3:35 - Barbie Brewer Interview
51:39 - Funny Things & Wrap


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