What the Hell is The Corporate Bartender? - Trailer

The Corporate Bartender

Sep 22 2020 • 55 seconds

Welcome to SkyeTeam’s The Corporate Bartender! where  we gather some of the best HR and People Leaders to discuss what’s happening on the people-side of business. From employee performance and engagement, to dealing with the rapid-fire changes that the new normal presents every day, this irreverent bunch brings a fresh twist and a dash of human to human resources. If you work in HR or make people decisions in your organizations this is the place to be, we won't card you and we serve everyone!

Join the bartenders, Eric Spencer and Lori Lantz as they interview some of today’s most innovative thinkers, share tips, tricks, and tools, while enjoying  some good old fashioned community, and as always, laughing a lot.

Now pull up a stool, belly up to the bar, and join us for The Corporate Bartender.