Ep4: DON'T Raise Your Prices UNTIL You HEAR THIS!

Choose to Dream

Apr 18 2022 • 21 mins

This episode is inspired by the last day of MARA Academy beginners PMU training I just finished teaching, I was sharing all my tricks on pricing, how to market yourself in a saturated market of permanent makeup and how to establish your PERSONAL Brand.
I hope you consider my tips that I am sharing here  before raising your service pricing.

Key Takeaways:

❏    Sometimes, considering your needs and your expertise, you are moved to raise your rates because it seems deserving. However, it is important to review your Client Experience first because when you have a top-notch client experience, raising your rates won't turn off current clients or potential clients. When was the last time you thought of not only improving your technique but investing in your client experience?

The focus of this episode is to help artists create a reputation for offering the best client experience and leverage this in raising their rates.

Client Experience refers to how a company or its workers treats customers, which can turn them either into raving fans or non-returning clients. It is important to place viewers as the hero of their own story, not you as the artist.

❏    Very often, artists get upset because clients send them messages asking for information that is readily available on the business website or social media page, however, a website won't do the professional job of answering questions. There has to be a qualified professional ready to give these consultations.

❏    Ensure that your page or platform makes the customer excited to work with you and confident in your ability. Be sure to make your work about them and show how it is easy for them to reach you.

"My main rule for all my products or services is to under-promise and overdeliver" Even after customers describe your product or service as good, do they return or give a referral? This is important because good or excellent service is not enough to raise your prices in a saturated market. You need to be so outstanding and unparalleled that clients consistently believe that you over-delivered and they underpaid, which makes them more likely to refer you to a lot of people or keep coming back.

❏    Start off the experience by providing a welcome-package that gives the client confidence in their decision.

❏    The idea is not to promise minimal results to your client but you should keep your magnificent service a little bit of a surprise. This could be in form of more attention or time, a little extra service, an extra email, or coffee. However, over-delivering shouldn't be something that stretches you too thin but something that excites you.

Make the extra cost worth the extra value you're providing; if you're going to raise your prices, you also need to raise the level of service and experience someone will get from you.

Standout Quotes

"86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience"

"I actually like to call Mara studio and Mara academy clients "Guests"; it is about your guest, and not about you"

"Your website won't do the job for you; it's there to help but not to replace you"

"Everyone wants their service to be more personable"

"Good', nowadays, is considered to be 'just fine"

"There are tons of different ways to show your clients you care, none of which you need to guarantee from the get-go"

Connect with me on IG: https://www.instagram.com/anna.marastudio/