Ep. 8 The Lonely Hearts Club of Entrepreneurship: You're Not Alone

The Marketing In The Margins Podcast

Feb 13 2024 • 12 mins

Welcome back to another episode of the Marketing and the Margins podcast, where we talk about marketing your business, while also running your business and living your life.

Key Points Discussed:
  • Loneliness in Entrepreneurship: We explore feeling isolated when running a business, especially as solopreneurs. During our weekly accountability call, I share a personal anecdote about how the phrase "the Lonely Hearts Club" sparked a conversation about this issue with a fellow entrepreneur friend.
  • Passion for Business: Despite our love and passion for our businesses, solitude can sometimes feel overwhelming. I reflect on how this love for what we do can ironically lead us to a sense of loneliness, akin to being members of a "Lonely Hearts Club."
  • Entrepreneurial Bravado: There's a common misconception that entrepreneurs are always confident and self-assured adventurers. While this can be true, we are also humans who crave community and connection.
  • Finding Support: I stress the importance of seeking out networking groups and communities, such as FemCity, which I joined and found incredibly beneficial. These groups can act as a support system, providing camaraderie and advice.
  • The Weight of Responsibility: I discuss the heavy burden of being solely responsible for the success or failure of your business and how this can contribute to feelings of loneliness.
  • Lack of Immediate Support: Entrepreneurship can be particularly lonely for those without immediate support from family and friends. I emphasize the importance of finding a community that understands and supports your journey.
  • Burnout and Creativity Loss: I share my experience with burnout and how it was linked to my loneliness. Recognizing the need for support and community was crucial in overcoming this challenge.
Strategies to Combat Loneliness:
  • Professional Networking Groups: I encourage listeners to search for and join professional networking groups, both online and in-person, to find like-minded entrepreneurs.
  • Finding a Mentor: Having a mentor who is further along in their entrepreneurial journey can provide invaluable support and guidance.
  • Seeking Professional Help: If loneliness leads to burnout or other mental health concerns, I recommend speaking with a therapist or mental health professional.
Homework (for my star students!)

I invite listeners who have experienced loneliness in their entrepreneurial endeavors to contact me via Instagram, DM, or email. Sharing our experiences can help us realize that we are not alone.

Check out FemCity - click here

🔗 Connect with Katie:

TikTok - @katiekastnermarketing

Instagram - @katiemkmarketing

Blog - www.katiekastner.com

👉 Follow The Marketing and the Margins Podcast for more tips on marketing, mindset, and mastering the balance of life as an entrepreneur.

And if you found value in this episode, please consider sharing it with other entrepreneurs who could benefit from these insights!