Giovanni Cuccaro (English)

Bildung Entwicklung Tanz - Educational Development Dance

Oct 22 2022 • 40 mins

Gianni Cuccaro, is a dancer, choreographer, dance teacher, dance mediator and artistic director. He completed his training at the Urdang Academy, Covent Garden, London. As a dancer he worked in the theatre in Osnabrück and in Bielefeld for several years. With these theatres, he later collaborated as a teacher and realised his own choreographic works. In addition, Gianni also worked on the free stage, collaborating with various companies and choreographers. He studies cultural mangament and since the 2017/18 season has been working at the Theater Bielefeld for the pedagogy department  jungplusX. He is also artistic director of the Schrittmacher community dance projects, director of E-Motion and choreographer/coach for various musical theatre and drama productions. Furthermore, since August of this year 2022 he has been co-director of the dance department of the Bielefeld Theatre.

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