S04 : Ep. 10 : Mining & Exploration in the 21st Century with Kate Dickson

Inspiring Design

Nov 1 2021 • 32 mins

Anything and everything in the built environment and human civilisation have stemmed from mining & exploration of the earth and its natural resources. An essential, exciting and a fast-evolving industry and to lead this topic this episode features of the best experts in the mining and exploration industry - Kate Dickson (QLD Director of AMEC). Kate breaks down detailed responses to crucial learning areas all stemming from her interest in geological sciences evolving into leading the industry and its advisory & direction. Kate unveils answers to questions such as “what is the mining industry in the 21st century?”; “How technologies are driving mining and exploration with automation, AI, robotics integration?”; “What core skills are required to succeed in this industry now, and in the future?”. This is just the start! Tune into the episode to understand the direction of one of the largest industries and exciting future opportunities stemming into space exploration and mining… out of this world! The future is already here, tune in now!