Changing Your Relationship To Change For Quantum Leaps

Sustain Your Success - Subconscious Success, Biohacking, and Epigenetics for Entrepreneurs

Feb 8 2023 • 17 mins

You might be ready for a quantum leap but your Nervous System might not. 🫠

What is your relationship like to change?

Do you quit before it’s too soon? Or do you wait so long that your hand is forced to make a decision?

Dreams go to die in the comfort zone, but your nervous system may not be able to make huge leaps without throwing you into a tailspin of anxiety. 🫣

When you resist change you’re resisting your own growth.

In this episode we go over the importance of being comfortable with change and the questions to ask yourself about your fears.

Send The Highest of Vibes Your Way,

xx Liana

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