Trust & Surrender When Your Nervous System Is Dysregulated

Sustain Your Success - Subconscious Success, Biohacking, and Epigenetics for Entrepreneurs

Jan 11 2023 • 15 mins

How do you reframe and allow yourself to trust and surrender to a process when your Nervous System is a mess?

If you feel like your nervous system is in hyper-drive and you’re stuck in the “how” of *all* the problems, I get it. I’ve been there and I can still find myself there.

The real flex is being able to get your Nervous System to be cool with you trusting & surrendering when you have no evidence.

Welcome to Episode 16 of the Sustain Your Success Podcast!

I’ll be going through how to get your Nervous system on board with your mind, so that you can trust & surrender from a place where it feels safe to create from and manifest your desires.

I spill the beans on how I walk myself through this, including the questions I ask myself.. which can be a potent portal for transformation.

Sending you the highest of vibes! Enjoy! ✨

Liana xo

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