Is fear keeping you stuck? Do these 3 things to hack your subconscious mind! (How to regulate your nervous system and increase sales series Part 3)

Sustain Your Success - Subconscious Success, Biohacking, and Epigenetics for Entrepreneurs

Dec 21 2022 • 13 mins

Feeling like you’re doing all the things to work on your mindset and regulate your nervous system but still feeling all the fear?

You’re ready to get unstuck but not sure what else you can do?

Friend, I know you’ve been at this for a hot minute, and growing your business is a huge priority-  but I’m here to tell you that it’s not you, it’s your mind.

But the good news is that there’s a simple solution to increasing sales and working WITH your brain (instead of against it) and I’m revealing it today!

Welcome to episode 14 of the Sustain Your Success podcast! As we continue discussing the effect a dysregulated nervous system can have on your business- it's time to tackle your brain so we can hack your subconscious mind and get you moving.

This episode is full of practical advice you can implement today to finally get results!


🤍 Liana

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This podcast episode was produced by Juliana Barbati